
Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint is the way to measure the human activity impact to the environment and how our activities produce the gases like CO2 in the Planet. I measured my carbon footprint and it showed that I need 2.95 Planets for my activities. And here in this essay I will write about this problem and how we should solve it and how to avoid it in the future.

We have a lot of problems and reasons that caused the increasing amount of CO2 in the environment. A lot of people here in the planet don’t have the knowledge of the danger that we face it, so maybe they do small things that help to increase the problem like using the old type of light that need more amount of electricity and make produce heat and sometimes they don’t switch off the light when the out so it will consume more electricity. Another thing is we don’t recycle the trash and they burn a lot of these trash so this also will help the CO2 to increase.

There a lot of solutions for this problem like we should recycle the products this will help to reduce the CO2, also in the sometime it will help the economy. Second one is we should know how to consume the electricity because the electricity generated by using gases and fuel. The last thing is we should reduce the amount of using the vehicles and try to walk or use bicycle when we go to near place and it will help us to be healthier in the same time when we try to reduce the CO2.

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