
Eye on Lebanon

Lebanon is Arab country located in the Middle East. It's surrounded by five ciountries Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel and Cyprus. It was called in bible the city of milk and honey. The most important city in this country is Beirut and some people called the city the Paaris of East.

In 1943 Lebanon gained independece from France. in the same
time, Christians lebanese held the balance of power and the Muslims had little in the running of thier country. In 1975 the tensions between the Christians and Muslims bolid over when a member of radical Christian group attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in Beirut. After that the revenge killing and violance began to spiral out of countrol all over the country. Then in 1982 the Isreali army attacked and invaded Beirut to remove the "PLO" Palilestinian Liberation Organisation because the organiastion was launched attacks against targets in Israel. the civil war in Lebanon ended in 1989 by lebanese leaders by an equal offring a balance betweem Muslims and Christian in a new lebanese parliament.

After that the country tried to recoverd from that war. So now Beirut became one of the top cities in the world for the number of car, the city have a great night life and the most important thing Beirut become great city for tourist. However the country have some problems like the pliotion is high and the pills like phone and electricity are expensive.